PhD in Strategic Innovation for Sustainable and Smart Ecosystems (SIS2E)

The Program for the Industrial Doctorate on Strategic Innovation for Sustainable and Smart Ecosystems (SIS2E) focuses on two fundamental opposites, i.e., (1) development of basic science and technology versus its valorization and dissemination, and (2) a cross-disciplinary versus a specialization approach. As such, educational and research methods are stretched and oriented towards spanning the scientific world with the ‘real’ world where science contributes to society and business.

The program builds on interaction between peers as well as individual and personalized coaching, aimed at improving the participants’ economic and social skills.

We aim to ‘create’ researchers that develop brad competencies enabling them to take up managerial responsibilities in companies and in the larger international context.


Coordinator: Prof. Paul Marc Matthyssens

Deputy Coordinator: Prof. Andrea Franzetti


A.A. 2024-2025 (cycle XL)

Call for Applications

Industrial PhD Program in

Strategic Innovation for Sustainable and Smart Ecosystems

DEMS - University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Doctoral School, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy


The Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) and the Doctoral School of the University of Milano-Bicocca invite applications to the Industrial PhD Program in Strategic Innovation for Sustainable and Smart Ecosystems (SIS2E) for the academic year 2024-25 (XL cycle).

The PhD Program is articulated in a common path and  four tracks, Process Innovation, Product Innovation, Social Innovation and Welfare Innovation. The length of the PhD Programme is three years, starting in November 2024 (the precise starting date will be announced in due course on the PhD website).

The Call of Applications 2024-2025 offers at least 20 fully-funded scholarships .

The selection procedure is regulated by the official Call for Applications (Bando di Concorso), which is published in the Doctoral School’s and in the PhD program website on June 20, 2024, with deadline on July 19, 2024.

The official Call for Applications contains detailed information on: i) the documents which each candidate has to submit; ii) structure, contents and timing of the entrance examination; iii) description of the projects related to the scholarships and positions offered.


The official Call for Applications is published here.

SIS2E creates an international cultural context that stimulates the doctoral candidates to share their research results and engage in dissemination and valorization activities. Through systematic mentoring, students are guided their research findings with stakeholders from business and social entities, thereby participating in the societal and political debate. This excellence program offers a cross-disciplinary perspective combining research rigor with relevance for organizations, community and society.  

After completing the program, the participants will be able to:

  1. contextualize their own research output;
  2. set up and participate in high level innovative research projects with practical implications;
  3. link research projects to the Sustainable Development Goals;
  4. participate actively in the political and societal debateat local, national and supranational levels;
  5. think cross-disciplinary, in line with the mission of the university’s mission.

The program offers a semi-flexible approach to each participant with a focus on specific projects. It starts in the first year with a common foundational perspective (the ‘trunk’ with deep ‘roots’), and evolves into a tailored and specialized approach engaging in the specialization area (the ‘branches’ and ‘leaves’).

There are four specialization areas called ‘innovation tracks’:

i)  Innovation of Processes;

ii) Innovation of Products;

iii) Innovation in Society & Organizations;

iv) Innovation and Welfare.

SIS2E combines in a new mode the methodological instruments with  innovation oriented themes, thereby contextualizing the research results.

SIS2E forms researchers with an innovation-oriented profile that is very popular among companies and national and international public entities. Especially the following abilities are developed:

  1. leading complex research projects for sustainable and smart innovation;
  2. "ambidexterity", implying a balanced approach between development and implementation;
  3. understanding the relation between science/technology and businesses;
  4. understanding complex systems and managing interrelated ecosystems and networks in which they are created and realized.

More specifically, the doctors in SIS2E will find jobs as

  1. data scientists, data analysts, Artificial Intelligence experts, and so forth;
  2. managers of energy transition and experts in circular economy;
  3. product developer and R&D managers;
  4. setting up start-up companies and develop scale-up strategies;
  5. work for investment funds and venture capitalists specialized in cutting-edge technologies;
  6. manage social innovation projects;
  7. manage the innovation of welfare systems.
Surname Name University/Organization Department
ALBERTI Davide A2A SpA  
ANDREOTTI Alberta Università di Milano-Bicocca Sociology and Social Research
BELLINI Fabio Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of  Statistics and Quantitative Methods
BENTIVEGNA Angela Università di Milano-Bicocca School of Medicine and Surgery 
BRANDUARDI Paola Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences 
CAPOCCHI Alessandro Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Business and Law 
CASTIGLIONI Ida Università di Milano-Bicocca Sociology and Social Research
CORTESI Paolo Angelo Università di Milano-Bicocca School of Medicine and Surgery 
COSENTINI Andrea Intesa Sanpaolo SpA  
DELLA VEDOVA Gianluca Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Informatics, System and Communication
DI CREDICO Barbara Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Materials Science 
FACCIOLI Pietro Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Physics "Giuseppe Occhialini"
FRANZETTI Andrea Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
GIACOMAZZI Mauro Fondazione AVSI  
GORINI Giuseppe Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Physics "Giuseppe Occhialini"
GRASSI Paolo Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Human Sciences for Education "Riccardo Massa"
LASAGNI Marina Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
MANERA Matteo Università di Milano-Bicocca DEMS
MATTHYSSENS Paul Università di Milano-Bicocca DEMS
MAZZUCCHELLI Alice Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Business and Law 
PERI Francesco Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Biotechnology and Biosciences 
RUSSO Laura Università di Milano-Bicocca School of Medicine and Surgery 
VARINI Valerio Università di Milano-Bicocca DEMS
VECCHIO Luca Piero Università di Milano-Bicocca Psychology
VILLA Alberto Università di Milano-Bicocca School of Law 
ZECCA Luisa Università di Milano-Bicocca Department of Human Sciences for Education "Riccardo Massa"

The program offers to each participant a semi-flexible approach and assigns each of them to a specific research project.

During the first year, the program starts with a common track introducing advanced research and theoretical skills.

Foundation courses will be offered during the first term of the first year (end of October 2024 - end of December 2024), on the following topics:

- Research Methods I (12 hours; instructor: Diego Coletto, University of Milano-Bicocca)

- Research Methods II (12 hours; instructor: Alessandra Decataldo, University of Milano-Bicocca)

- Research Methods III (12 hours; instructor: Navid Nobani, University of Milano-Bicocca)

- Understanding Innovation (24 hours; instructor: Marco Corsino, University of Milano-Bicocca)

- Managing Innovation (12 hours; instructor: Davide Alberti, A2A S.p.A.)

- Social Inequality & Social Justice I (8 hours; instructor: Stefano Pippa, University of Milano-Bicocca)

- Social Inequality & Social Justice II (8 hours; instructor: Mauro Giacomazzi, Fondazione AVSI)

In the second and third year, the program becomes ever more specialized by focusing on the specific research topic of the participant which is anchored in one of the four specialization tracks.  

Besides the foundational and cross-disciplinary courses,  more specialized foci will be added inside and outside the university. Through coaching and mentoring, thematic workshops and conferences more depth will gradually be added.

A stay of 3-6 months abroad and an internship in a company will be added to develop higher-level skills.